Who's Selling All the Ammo?

Which companies are pumping out our most valuable resource?


As September 2021, the top ammunition manufacturers by sales can change over time due to market fluctuations and mergers and acquisitions. However, some of the well-known ammunition manufacturers that have historically held top positions in the industry include:

Federal Ammo

1. Federal Premium Ammunition (a subsidiary of Vista Outdoor): The big dawg, Federal Premium is known for producing a wide range of ammunition for various purposes, including hunting, sport shooting, and self-defense.

remington2. Remington Ammunition (now part of Vista Outdoor): Remington has a long history in the firearms and ammunition industry, offering various ammunition types, including rifle, shotgun, and handgun ammunition.

winchester3. Winchester Ammunition (a subsidiary of Olin Corporation): Winchester is a renowned manufacturer of ammunition with a history dating back to the 19th century. They produce ammunition for rifles, shotguns, and handguns.


4. Hornady Manufacturing Company: Hornady is recognized for its precision ammunition and bullets. They are popular among precision shooters, hunters, and competitive shooters.


5. CCI (Copper-Clad Inceptor) Ammunition (a subsidiary of Vista Outdoor): CCI is known for its rimfire ammunition, particularly .22 LR, used for plinking, target shooting, and small-game hunting.


6. Fiocchi Ammunition: Fiocchi is an Italian ammunition manufacturer with a presence in the U.S. market. They offer a variety of ammunition types, including shotgun shells and centerfire ammunition.

Please note that the rankings and market shares of ammunition manufacturers can change, and new players may enter the market. I recommend checking the most recent industry reports or market analyses for the latest information on ammunition manufacturer sales rankings.




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